Author: herviewhisview

Personality Types

Her View

I’ve been really interested in personality types ever since I was introduced to the topic in college. Much like zodiac signs and the like, I take personality types with a bit of seriousness…but I only buy in so much. I mean, how can every Virgo possibly have the same fate on a particular day?

I’ve completed the test a few times over the last 10 years or so, and as far as I can remember I’ve been either an ISTJ or INTJ. My most recent test (4/6/15) showed that I have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition…so this makes sense. I want to say that one time in college my results said I was an extrovert. Well, times change and people change. I wonder if my personality type changed as well. Is that even possible?

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“New Age” Church

Her View

I’ve lived in Alabama all but a few months of my life (born in MA). I grew up here, went to college here, got married here, we’re building a home here, don’t plan to leave here. One of my biggest issues with the state is its strong Christian leanings. I was raised Christian…my grandfather is a retired Methodist minister and my father is a deacon at a Baptist church where my great-uncle is the pastor. I grew up in church, but over the years I’ve found myself more and more unsettled by what “church” and “church folks” have become. Maybe things have always been this way…or maybe there’s this “new age” church going on now.

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