Author: herviewhisview

Super Bowl XLIX

Her View

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???? Nope, not exactly. I AM ready for the commercials though! Oh, and snacks! I’m rooting for the Patriots (I was born in New England, therefore I feel a certain obligation), but I like the Seahawks too! Ok, let’s be real…I only know them because of Richard Sherman and now Marshawn Lynch’s awesome press strategy!

So, about the commercials…I LOVE the Budweiser commercials each year. I spent several minutes (probably an hour) on YouTube looking at old commercials featuring the Clydesdales. I especially enjoy the ones that feature that cute puppy who always seems to find his way back home (with help from the Clydesdales)! Those darn horses are so sweet, caring, and magical! I mean they really look out for their friends! Did you see the one where the baby horse aspires to be like the big horses and tries to pull the wagon all by himself? After a few pulls, it starts to move! He’s doing it!! He’s really pulling it all by himself like a full-grown Budweiser Clydesdale!!! Mama, I made it!!! Then you see where a few of the big boys are actually pushing the wagon from behind. SO SWEET!!! *Wipes watery eyes*

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