Building A Strong Educational Foundation

Her View

We’re not parents yet, but building a strong educational foundation for our children is heavy on my mind. Education, more importantly exposure to educational opportunities, has been important to me for a long time. My parents are educators, but being hands-on in the classroom wasn’t my calling. Nevertheless, I fully accept the challenge and responsibly of being my children’s first teacher.

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Fake-Deep Quotes

Her View

Don’t you just love quotes and sayings? I do! I especially love the ones that lots of people use, but we really don’t know the derivation. More than that, I love laughing at ones that are just ridiculous when you really think about it! Here are a few of my favs:

What’s understood doesn’t have to be explained. – Unknown…but said by plenty of folks! Sounds SUPER deep, right?

Only God can judge me. – Unknown…but based on biblical principles; used by folks doing crazy stuff! Wrong, we CAN judge you. It may not count in your eyes, and not much may come from the judgment…but we’re judging all the same!

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